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Our Privacy Policy

Approach Advise

Camp Lungtaissituated at the base of Dhauladhars and is last habitat on the link road, which connects it to the ancient Akhanjar Mahadev Temple at Khanyara. Guest are advised to follow GPS till Akhanjar Mahadev Temple only. After reaching the temple, you should not take the left as GPS will guide you instead take right, cross the bridge and after around 500 meters, from the Zero Point Café, take left on cemented road. Keep driving for around 1.5km and you will cross a Concrete Resort on your right and just after 100 meters, you will reach Camp Lungta’s Main gate.

Rules and Guidelines

Camp Lungtaislocated in a tranquil and pristine setting amid the nature - surrounded by hills on one side, perennial stream of water on other while farms and fields in the vicinity. Looking at the ambiance of our campsite, flora and fauna in its surroundings, it’s imperative to keep it free from noise pollution and to maintain its natural form; hence playing loud music (Inside or outside), partying inside the forest orinsteam; and shouting inside the tents, restaurants and common areas are strictly not allowed. Our silent hours start at 10:30PM and runs till 6.30AM in morning and every guest is required to honour these to maintain complete serenityof the place and to show respect to the needs of other guests. Only on special occasion, we allow musical/DJ nights and till statutory hours.

Camp Lungtais an Eco Camp site, restaurant is hand crafted and made using local material such as stones, mud and wood. Guest areas are free of any chemical polish, paint, tiles, ply and carpets to give them a completely pollution free natural environment. Hence to retain thistrue eco spirit and the traditionality, we request all our guest to respect the local touch, theme and material used. We request all our guest to not maltreat or damage (In any form) any of Camp Lungta’s asset, infrastructure, paintings and artefacts. It will be your best contribution to nature to preserve this green site by keeping it the way …as it is.

All our Swiss cottage tents have a private veranda offering best view of snow-clad Dhauladhars or the stream or the valley. We also have a very beautiful Yoga cum Meditation hall, low sitting lounge and couple of other open areas to enjoy best views of Himalayas while listening to sound of water. Guests need to take care of themselves while using the swings in open. Guest need to accompany their kids and need to be careful and vigilant all the time while in these open areas or enjoying swings to avoid any unwanted incident.Camp Lungta will not be responsible for any loss/damage caused because of the negligence or any over doing by any of the guests

Camp Lungtais blessed with glacier fresh white-water stream on one side and hills on other, while we encourage our guests to enjoy the hike/trek through the hills and slate mines, splash in the streamor to explore the farms and shepherd village around. At same time, all guest needs to be aware that venturing into hills and river has its own risk and especially much higher if accompanied by kids and elderly. Although Camp Lungta is fully fenced, still, Kids are strongly advised not to venture alone (without being accompanied by any responsible elder) into the hills, stream and onto the footbridge. During monsoon, all guests are advised to stay away from the stream to avoid any flash floods or sudden swelling of the stream. Camp Lungta will not be responsible for any loss/damage caused because of the negligence, wandering or any over doing by the guests in the hills, river or while crossing the bridge at Slate mines as guest need to make their own assessment of associated risks before venturing into these areas.

Camp Lungtado not need central air conditioning system, as it is naturally insulated and ventilated. In summers if temperature or humidity is high for those few hours and for some of those just few days in afternoon, we have fans in rooms to take care and in winters we supplementheaters to make it cosier.Still In case if any essential item is not placed in your room, please feel free to request our service staff for the same and stay assured we do not charge extra for these.

We have no room serviceto enjoy the freshness of authentic food, ambiance of traditional serving and to relish the overall feel, we request and encourage all our guests to take meals at our restaurant/s only, unless some medical, age or other compelling reason.

We do not serve alcohol or any alcoholic products.

Bonfire is permitted in open and designated area only to preserve the sanity of place and those of the flora and fauna. In case of rain or storm, hope you understand that these services will be suspended without pre-information

Smoking in the tents, restaurant and in lounges and at any other shared premises is not allowed at all; although you may use the abundant open and designated areas for your those carving smoking needs, if you still can’t control it even when in lap of nature.

We have a very wide of variety of flowers and organic herbs and vegetables in and around camp site, while you can admire and click them but touching and plucking is strictly prohibited all around the place

Although we are very private in our location and no trespasser is allowed into the campsite, still we advise to take care of your belongings as prevention is better then cure and hence, we will not be not be responsible for any loss or theft of valuables in case left open, unsecured, unattended. Although, it has never ever happened here, so far.

While we understand the urge to do laundry when you are in such hospitable and homily surroundings with water stream flowing nearby, but doing laundry and drying any sort of cloth is strictly prohibited to maintain the decency of the resort. For your any of such needs, we do have in-house laundry service available and you can ask staff for it.

While we understand the urge to do laundry when you are in such hospitable and homily surroundings, but doing laundry and drying any sort of cloth is strictly prohibited to maintain the decency of the site. For your any of such needs, we do have in-house laundry service available and you can ask staff for it.

While using the common indoor games, we urge to remove your footwear as it would be more convenient to use the low sitting arrangement there and once you are done, pl do not forget to keep the books and games in order to let the next guest enjoy.

Please do not dump any form of plastic (we really hate it) or any other waste in open or in forest or in the water stream or on the trek. Pl also avoid throwing tissue papers, pads or anything in toilet which might block them, instead use dust bins, placed all around the property.

We are a trueEco site and we take pride in saving and recycling many of the precious things, so pl contribute your bit to mother nature in case there is no needto keep the lights, fan, exhaust, tap, showeron.

All our guests here at Camp Lungta want to enjoy their overall stay and the true experiences all around, so we expect and request all our guests to maintain a decorum during their stay; while respecting privacy and patterns of every other guest to maintain the overall theme of Camp Lungta“enjoy with the spirit of the nature”.

All Swiss cottage tents are made of Fabric, so lightning of candles or any fire items in tents or outside (other then the designated areas) is strictly prohibited, without any relaxation for your own and our safety. Any damage caused because of any such activity will be quite high and will be charged to the guests.

Bathroom amenities are changed once they are exhausted; and we source these from one of the finest chemical free toiletry’s manufacturers. Linen and towels are changed on alternate days and not on daily basis (unless there is specific justified requirement).

Any soiling/spoiling of linen or any breakage of items in the property shall be liable to be paid directly by the guests as per the advised charges.

We suggest and recommend to keep your doors and window’s closed when you are venturing out of the room for sight-seeing, walks or hiking to avoid entering of birds or any other natural fauna as we are amid the mother nature and these all are our next door neighbours, unless you love their company.

Although it’s difficult to go through such an elaborate “House Rules and Guidelines” but in order to ensure a complete transparency and a tension free holiday to all our guests, we expect, hope and considered that that you have read and agreed on these “House Rules and Guidelines” and your booking with us is consent to adhere to these rules and guidelines. Still in case any of our guest do not honour and wish to flaunt non-compliance to these rules, Camp Lungtareserve all the rights to cancel or amend your stay and booking or to ask you to leave the campsite; and at same time we will also charge the penalty for damaging, breaking, spoiling/soiling or disturbing any items or any guest of the property

Rules and Guidelines are not to bind and scare you but to make your stay more enjoyable without worrying about the nuisances and to provide a holistic experience to every guest; so pl follow them and help us to make your stay a more relaxed one, a bit more enjoyable and a totally tension free

Cancellation Policy

If cancelled more than 30 days, before the date of arrival: 10% of the Total Price of the Reservation will be charged/deducted.

If cancelled between 8 to 30 days, before the date of arrival: 50% of the Total Price of the Reservation will be charged/deducted.

If cancelled 0 to 7 days, before the date of arrival and in case of no show: 100% of the Total Price of Reservation will be charged/deducted.

Advisory to Drivers

In order to keep privacy of all our guests at all times, we do not allow drivers to stay or venture at Camp site, although we do provide meals to drivers as per the guest meal plan for fixed timing. So pl advise your drivers accordingly and do not put your last-minute requests to accommodate their stay as we won’t be able to honour. We do provide toilet/bathing facility to your drivers.

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